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Jo Bragg adresses Rathdowney residents

Thursday 29 June

Environmental Defenders Office Solicitor Jo Bragg  Rathdowney Visit


Rathdowney community members were given a glimmer of hope of stopping the Dam on environmental grounds when Jo Bragg from the

Environmental Defenders Office visited the town on Thursday morning.


Jo is an expert in this field of federal environmental legislation relating to dams and has been instrumental in delaying, and maybe stopping, the proposed Nathan dam on the Fitzroy River.


Jo started off by saying the reason we have a water crisis is two fold.  She said, "Firstly we have climate change as a result

of greenhouse gases, and secondly we have massive population growth in South East Queensland".  She pointed out that there are other ways to provide water for South East Queensland without the

environmental and social problems that dams cause.


If the Rathdowney community could prove that the dam or its operation will cause significant environmental impact, then the Federal Government may be able to step in.  Jo pointed out that the

implications need not necessarily be in the dam area, but could be the fact that damming the Logan River will cause environmental destruction to Moreton Bay


Unfortunately Jo's visit to the area was cut short when a Channel 10 helicopter flew into town and next minute Premier Beattie was on the phone saying he was on his way for a visit.


Click to view EDO statement on new dams for South East Queensland